Building Department Needs…
Provide Effective & Efficient Service by upgrading Permitting Process via Electronic Permitting System
Current Process – Legacy Paper Base Solution
Proposed Streamline Permitting Process – with Over the Counter and Online Permitting
Current Process ‐ 2 to 95 day wait period for permit
Issuance, cost to Applicant and Town (delayed tax revenues) $100 ‐ $10,000 per day
Current Time & Cost to research documents 700 man‐hours per year @ cost of $48.00 X 700 = $33,600
With proposed Document Management System/Permitting System, Staff Time & Cost reduced to $3,360 annually
Savings of 90% ($30,240) per year

What is Electronic Permitting?
Electronic permitting is a set of computer‐based tools and services that automate and streamline the building permit process
The intent of electronic permitting is to reduce permitting time, improve customer service and staff efficiency, enhance quality, and make operating funds more productive
An electronic permitting system typically replaces traditional paper‐and file‐card systems

Task-Specific Tools
Plan review
Inspection scheduling
Project tracking
Fee calculation and collection
Workflow management
Customer communications through web‐based customer services
Inter‐ and intra‐departmental communication and management

Bottom Line Features & Benefits
Create a cost‐effective solution to meet the needs of the Community
In achieving Professional, Effective and Efficient Building Department to service the Town’s needs
In creating a healthy economic climate by providing Business‐Friendly Services
Cut down on hundreds in cost per day